What we Do?
Suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour
or good day randomised words.
Financial Services
A wonderful serenity has taken to the possession of my entire soul.
A wonderful serenity has taken to the possession of my entire soul.
Consumer Markets
A wonderful serenity has taken to the possession of my entire soul.
Strategy planning
A wonderful serenity has taken to the possession of my entire soul.
Audit & Evaluation
A wonderful serenity has taken to the possession of my entire soul.
A wonderful serenity has taken to the possession of my entire soul.
A propos de syli ciment
L’usine Syli Ciment de Guinée, est une filiale de la Société de gestion et de construction guinéen SGCG S.A spécialisée dans l’investissement, l’innovation au développement, les travaux publics et équipements publics, logements sociaux, entretien des voiries publiques et la fourniture de matériel dans divers domaines .Les produits principaux sont :
- 1- CPJ 32.5R 50/KG CEM II CPJ 32.5 R
- 2- CPJ 32.5 50/KG CEM II CPJ 32.5
- 3- CPJ 42.5 50/KG CEM II CPJ 42.5
- 4- CPJ 52.5R 50/KG CEM II CPJ 42.5R
- 5- CPA 55/ 50/KG CEM II CPA 42.5N
- 6- CPA 55/ 50/KG CEM II CPA 42.5R